Defence, Security and Foreign Policy

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Keating, Michael (2009) The Independence of Scotland: Self-Government and the Shifting Politics of Union, Oxford University Press, chapter 4

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House of Commons  Defence Committee, Defence Implications of Possible Scottish Independence, Written Evidence, HC 483, 2012-13; Oral Evidence, HC 483i, 2012-13

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Lindsay, Isobel (2012), The Referendum and Trident, Radical Independence Campaign

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HM Government (2013), Scotland Analysis: Security, Cm 8741

Walker, William (2013), 'Trident's Insecure Anchorage', in Hassan, Gerry and Mitchell, James (eds), After Independence: An Informed Guide to Scotland's Possible Futures for Anyone Who is Pro or Anti Independence, Unsure or Just Generally Curious, Luath Press Ltd

House of Commons Scottish Affairs Committee (2013), The Referendum on Separation for Scotland: A Defence Force for Scotland - a Conspiracy of Optimism?, 3rd Report, 2013-14, HC 842

Torrance, David (2013), The Battle for Britain: Scotland and the Independence Referendum, Biteback Publishing, ch 4